The Anniversary of Italy’s Liberation is celebrated with “Resist – Singing Memories”
On Thursday, April 25 at 8:30 p.m., Distilleria De Giorgi in San Cesario di Lecce will host “Resist – Singing Memories,” an evening to celebrate the Anniversary of Italy’s Liberation from Nazi-Fascism.
Singing becomes an instrument of social protest and historical memory resistance through the boundless repertoire of Italian fight and resistance songs, interpreted by Anna Cinzia Villani, Fabio Tolledi, Roberta Quarta, Simonetta Rotundo, and Matteo Mele. Through the songs of the popular tradition, we remember the horrors of war, which unfortunately return to our days, the ideals of political and labor battles, the sacrifice of thousands of people to affirm the values of freedom, equality, and respect, hoping for the construction of a future in which men and women are finally not exploited by other men and women.
The event is the third of the international project “E.T.E.R.I.A. – Enhance Transborder Experiences, Rebuild Interactions of Artists,” promoted by the Italian Centre of International Theatre Institute – ITI Italia, with the participation of a rich international partnership formed by ITI – North Macedonia, National History and Archaeology Museum of Constanta (Romania), Theatro Tsi Zakynthos (Greece) and the Laboratory of Augmented and Virtual Reality of the Department of Engineering for Innovation of University of Salento and with the collaboration of Astràgali Teatro.
Free entrance. Reservation required: WhatsApp +39 3892105991 – teatro@astragali.org – www.eteriaproject.eu – www.iti-italy.it – www.astragali.it